Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Life is a series of Phases!

Life for me has been a series of Phases. Whether good or bad, there is always a beginning to the Phase and subsequently...an end.

Just when we thought we had everything figured out, life throws us a curve ball and we're off on a new or different path. Sometimes we have one path to follow but many times we have several paths that we are following.

Once again I find myself following a new path. I'm still walking my Wearable Fiber Art & Quilting path but as the next phase of my life unfolds, I find that dancewear, especially Square Dance & Rock-a-billy fashions are becoming more & more exciting to create.

I hope you join me on my next path of adventure!

Lacey J. Hill 


Anonymous said...

Oh Lacey, you've been on my mind for a while. I hope you're well. The square dancing outfits are beautiful.

Golden Thyme Designs said...

Hello! Thank you so much for the kind words. I've been heading in some new directions and I'm glad you like one of them! ;-) Hope all is well with you. Send an email if you would like to catch up